Why I love Winnipeg

I’ve decided in an effort to become more aware of the great opportunities that Winnipeg has to offer, I will be posting a daily blog with a new ‘why I love Winnipeg’ item as it’s centerpiece.

This will be an incredible challenge for me for a number of reasons.  1, I tend to let the blog slip and remain untended for months at a time and 2, there is no way I can come close to thinking of 338 reasons why I love this town. I can crack 15-20 without a sweat, but I’m going to need to dig deep, and explore.

I plan on visiting restaurants and attractions I’ve never frequented, talk to people I don’t know, move outside my comfort zone in an effort to remind myself and others why Winnipeg is so amazing.

Starting today, and running until December 31st (barring the end of the world on December 21st, and hopeful I did my countdown math right) I will be offering up reasons why Winnipeg, and Winnipeggers are top-notch.

Wish me luck, and offer suggestions of who/what/where/when/why I should check out in my travels!

Here goes a 338 day staycation.

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